This is the big lady of the ones I keep. She is literally a garbage can - not your average 33 gallon rubbermaid garbage can - but
a full size 50 gal metal one! Well, maybe not, but she has eaten almost everything I have put
in front of her. I really like her eye. It is mostly green with the bronze on the top 1/3. You can also notice in this photo
her scales along the upper lip (supralabials). The first three are tall and reach the scales right in front of the eye, while the next seven are half size.
On her opposite side she has the first 4 tall, and the rest
short. Other snakes will have 2 tall and 7 short on one side, and 5 tall and 6 short on the other. There is great variation in the patterns in each Rubber Boa. This feature can be used as
part of the "fingerprint" to identify each snake.
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