Photos of Rubber Boas
The photos page has been redisigned to be more friendly to those of you with slower modem connections. Below are links to pages which contian photographs of related nature. Choose the type of photos you are most interested in seeing. Each page linked below will have a thumbnail of the selected photographs, which can be clicked on to see a larger, higher resolution photograph.
General Photographs - A few photos of females, males, close-up of scales and other Rubber Boa traits.
Scars - Rubber Boas commonly are scarred from bites. Photos of tail and body scars.
Spurs - Spurs are a quick and easy way to determine the sex of a Rubber Boa. Here are photos of different male spur colors, and a females spurs.
Comparisons - Comparisons of size and color of the sexes, age groups, and localities of some Rubber Boas.
RAAB Female #1 - This is the snake featured on the Natural History page demonstrating that Rubber Boas live a LONG time.
Captive Care - Photos related to the captive care of Rubber Boas.
Habitat - View some of the typical habitats of the Rubber Boa, and some which are not.
Photo Page Links
General Photographs
Scars Spurs
Comparisons RAAB
Female #1 Captive Care
General Site Links
Natural History Captive
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All photos are the property of Ryan Hoyer
© 2001 by Ryan Hoyer.