A live fuzzy was given to this female to begin with. She was given a regular lab mouse, which was used only for illustration purposes. You may be offering some other food item, like a deer mouse or scented pinky depending on why you need to perform chain feeding. |
At about this point, you need to have your second food item to be chain fed ready to go. |
Move the next food item into position - hold it by the midsection with the head pointing towards the snake. Move slowly so as not to spook the snake. |
While there is still 1/4 to 1/2 an inch of the first food item still beyond the end of the snakes nose, gently push the nose of the second item into the first. |
As the last couple swallows of the first food item are being eaten continue to feed the second item into the mouth. Be sure both food items are in constant contact with one another. |
Once several bites have been taken, the Rubber Boa will continue right on to the second food item. Once started, they generally do not stop until there is no more in their mouth. |
At this point, consider whether a third item is warranted. I think this lady could easily eat four this size, and perhaps a fifth. If the items were smaller, more would be warranted. There is no problem filling a Rubber Boa with such a large meal. They often do so in the wild whenever access to such quantities of food is available. But, after such a large meal, they likely will not be interested in eating for a while. Assuming that you chain fed a new type of food item, they will be much more likely to take it on their own next time you try. |
© 2001 by Ryan Hoyer.